Beginner to Noivce
A Beginner To Novice Level, Month To Month Introduction Swim Program.
Each month will emphasize and focus on a specific competitive stroke as well as core stability, balancing, and kicking (i.e. the first two weeks will focus on sculling, balancing, floating, kicking, and being comfortable in the water, the second two weeks will focus on stroke specific mechanics, drills, and form). The goal is for swimmers to only stay in Gators no longer than a year.
April 1st - July 26th
Practice Groups
Coach Cooper
Monday - Friday
Cost: $80 per month
Coach Ellie
Monday - Friday
Cost: $100 per month
Additional Information
Monthly Focus
Each month will focus on a specific competitive swim stroke. We introduce one stroke at a time so athletes learn to prefect one stroke at a time.
Time Trials
There will be a time trial each month. Events will vary, but will reflect what the athletes have been working on that month.
Swim Test
Before joining Gators, all new athletes must pass a basic swim skills test. The swim test has five parts: submerge head and blow bubbles, float on belly while blowing bubbles, float on back, kick on belly while blowing bubbles, and kick on back. We will have a coach on the deck running the test and a coach in the water to help demonstrate and for safety, but all athletes must be able to complete the test unassisted by the coaches.
Annual Fee
All Gators athletes are required to be a member of USA Swimming.
Flex Membership: $30 per year. This allows athletes to attend up to two USA Swimming sanctioned meets (No LSC Championship, Zone, Sectional or National meets) and covers athletes with the USA Swimming insurance. After two meets athletes will be upgraded to the Premium Membership for the difference of the cost ($72.00).

We Emphasize The Step-By-Step Coaching Process
The pool deck is our classroom with practices are our “lectures”/lessons. Athletes will learn the absolute basic swimming fundamentals of breath control, kicking, stroke work, and proper demonstration of listening to coaches before moving to more technical elements of the sport.
In Gators specifically, our goal is to get athletes ready and able to move into our competitive swim program, Gold, to further explore the sport.